This Article is From Oct 20, 2014

Madison Square Sequel for PM Narendra Modi Possible in Australia

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PM Modi was given what was dubbed "a rock star reception" at Madison Square Garden

New Delhi: When Prime Minister Narendra Modi travels to Australia next month to attend the G20 summit, Indians living there hope to recreate the much-talked about Madison Square Garden's experience that was delivered by NRIs in America for the leader.

The Indian community, keen to host a grand reception for him similar in scale to the New York event, will form a special organising body (Indian Australian Community foundation) that is examining venues include Sydney's famous Olympic Park. Initially the organisers were decided between Melbourne and Sydney as host cities. But eventually agreement was reached that it would be Sydney.

Sources say initially Sydney's iconic Opera House was under consideration, but it was dropped given its limited capacity. The eventual venue, sources say, will match Madison Square Garden.

The Group of 20 is the world's main intergovernmental policy forum, bringing together developed and emerging nations that among them account for nine-tenths of global economic output. The meeting, at Brisbane, will focus on how countries are implementing policies to drive growth and create jobs.

Mr Modi, 64, was given what was dubbed "a rock star reception" at Madison Square Garden, which was packed to capacity with 18,000 non-resident Indians (NRIs) and Indian-origin Americans. He delivered a rousing speech to an audience that welcomed him with chants of his name. They cheered especially loudly when he said visa restrictions would be relaxed greatly for them.

Mr Modi, in the five months since he took office, has made high-profile trips to Japan which has pledged 35 billion dollars in investment over the next five years, and the US, where he visited the White House for talks with President Barack Obama. Chinese President Xi Jinping visited Mr Modi in India last month.
