Congress's Rahul Gandhi, on lunch break from questioning by the Enforcement Directorate, tweeted a dig at Prime Minister Narendra Modi, who has directed Central ministries and various departments to undertake fresh recruitment in a "mission mode" and provide employment to at least 10 lakh young people over the next one-and-a-half-year. The government also announced a radical recruitment plan for the armed forces today under which 45,000 people will be recruited.
The Centre's decision comes amid raucous opposition criticism on the issue of growing unemployment.
"Just like 8 years ago, youths were promised 2 crore jobs every year, in the same way now it is the turn of 10 lakh government jobs. This is not a government of jumlas, it is a government of 'maha jumlas'. The Prime Minister is not an expert in creating jobs, but in making 'News' on jobs," read a rough translation of Mr Gandhi's Hindi tweet.
The direction from the Prime Minister came following a review of the strength in all government departments and ministries, his office said.
"PM reviewed the status of human resources in all departments and ministries and instructed that recruitment of 10 lakh people be done by the Government in mission mode in next 1.5 years," the Prime Minister's Office tweeted earlier today.
The vacancies lie across in several government departments. They will be filled under a newly announced scheme and those eligible will get fresh chance of employment.
The Union Home Ministry said it has initiated steps to fill vacancies in its various departments, in line with PM Modi's instructions.
Under the Agnipath scheme, around 45,000 people between the age of 17.5 years and 21 years will be inducted into the armed forces for a four-year tenure. The recruitment will begin within the next 90 days and the first batch will be ready by July 2023.
Mr Gandhi is being questioned for the second consecutive day by the Enforcement Directorate regarding an alleged money laundering case in connection with the National Herald newspaper. He was questioned for more than 10 hours by the agency yesterday.
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