Amid heavy rains in parts of Maharashtra, a video has surfaced which shows several people standing dangerously close to the water discharged from Pakadigudam dam in Chandrapur, with some of them even entering it, in order to catch fish.
After the video went viral on social media, the district authorities said a probe would be conducted into it.
Heavy rains over the past few days have led to reservoirs filling to the brim at several places in the district. The authorities have been releasing water from Pakadigudam dam located in Korpana tehsil.
On Thursday, many people were spotted risking their lives by standing dangerously close to the water discharged from the dam, with some of them even entering it, carrying fishing nets in hands.
When asked about it, district collector Ajay Gulhane said, "An inquiry will be conducted in this connection and necessary measures will be taken to prevent people from entering the Pakadigudam dam."
(Except for the headline, this story has not been edited by NDTV staff and is published from a syndicated feed.)