The Prayagraj Court on Tuesday extended the judicial custody of Anand Giri and the other two accused for 14 days in the case of the alleged suicide of Akhil Bhartiya Akhara Parishad (ABAP) President Mahant Narendra Giri.
Mahant Giri, who was the president of the largest organisation of saints in the country, was found dead under mysterious circumstances at Baghambari Math in Prayagraj on September 20.
A purported suicide note was recovered from the site of the incident in which the name of the seer's disciples, Anand Giri, and two others were mentioned.
The case is being investigated by the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI).
Anand Giri, Adya Prasad Tiwari and Sandeep Tiwari are already arrested in the case.
The Uttar Pradesh government had recommended a CBI probe into Mahant Giri's death following which the agency took over the investigation.