Monday was a big day for ICSE students in Maharashtra after weeks of tension. The Bombay High Court scrapped the state's order reserving 90 per cent of junior college seats for the local SSC Board. An order the court termed "unconstitutional" and politically motivated.
Central Board students who had gone to court against the order are relieved but SSC students are disappointed.
"Now we will get admission to colleges of our choice," said a student, ICSE Board.
"I was hoping to get into science but now I will have to settle for what I get," said an SSC student.
Prayers of some were answered as the Bombay High Court came down heavily on the state in a decision they called unconstitutional, largely taken in mind with political consideration.
Many saw the government's move as a pro-locals gesture with an eye on the approaching assembly elections. It soon drew support from the Shiv Sena.
The government had argued its decision was based on numbers:
- SSC v/s National Boards
- The state has 15 lakh SSC students
- And only 20,000 students from national boards like CBSE and ICSE
But the high court said a quota would go against the principle of equality, a decision the government seems to have accepted.
"We have accepted the court's verdict," said Ashok Chavan, Chief Minister, Maharashtra.
With the case in court, admissions to junior colleges had been delayed by over a week, now they can finally begin.
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