Maharashtra Chief Minister Uddhav Thackeray, facing a rebellion by his minister Eknath Shinde and several other MLAs, has been asked by Governor Bhagat Singh Koshyari to prove his majority on the floor of the assembly at 11 am tomorrow.
The Governor has written to Rajendra Bhagat, Secretary, Maharashtra Legislative Assembly, calling for a special session in this regard tomorrow.
Maharashtra Governor's Letter On Test Of Majority by NDTV on Scribd
"The present political scenario unfolding in the State of Maharashtra paints a very disturbing picture. There has been extensive coverage in the electronic and print media that 39 MLAs of the Shiv Sena Legislature Party have expressed their sincere desire and decision to exit the Maha Vikas Aghadi Government," the Governor said in his letter.
In this regard, the Governor said, the Raj Bhavan received a letter from seven Independent MLAs, asserting that the Chief Minister has lost the confidence of the majority on the floor of the assembly. BJP leader Devendra Fadnavis too urged Mr Koshyari for a floor test when he visited him yesterday.
"The violence unleashed in Mumbai and other parts Maharashtra against some of the 39 MLAs including breaking down their offices does pose a threat to their life and also that of their family members," he noted.
The Governor said he has also issued a communication to Mr Thackeray to prove his majority on the floor of the House tomorrow.