The Shiv Sena, two days to the deadline for government formation in Maharashtra, doubled down on its demand for the Chief Minister's post and said no new options would be discussed with ally BJP. "There is no need for a new proposal now," said Sena's Rajya Sabha MP and spokesperson Sanjay Raut on Wednesday. Yesterday the BJP said its door was "open 24 hours" to discuss a formula with the Shiv Sena. But the party also underscored that it would form a government under Chief Minister Devendra Fadnavis. The BJP says it has the support of 115 MLAs. The Sena which won 56 seats, says it has the support of 63 along with independents but its chances of working out an arrangement with the Congress-Sharad Pawar alliance looks bleak, with Congress chief Sonia Gandhi reportedly ruling out such a possibility.
Here are the live updates on Maharashtra government formation:
BJP's Shaina NC says the party will meet the Maharashtra governor tomorrow, hinting an end to the impasse in the state. The Shiv Sena however remains firm in their position. Sanjay Gupta of the Shiv Sena said, "We are sticking to our demands. We will support the BJP only if they meet them. We want to execute our manifesto and want the chief ministerial position for the first half of the term."
Shiv Sena leader Sanjay Raut after meeting NCP chief Sharad Pawar, in Mumbai: He is a senior leader of the state and the country. He is worried about the political situation in Maharashtra today.
Mumbai: Shiv Sena leader Sanjay Raut arrives to meet NCP chief Sharad Pawar at his residence.
- ANI (@ANI) November 6, 2019