Mumbai police on Tuesday booked Shiv Sena (UBT) leader and former Maharashtra transport minister Anil Parab, others and arrested four party workers for allegedly assaulting a Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation (BMC) official 'who led' a Shiv Sena shakha (branch office) demolition, said a police official.
An official of Mumbai's Vakola police station said they have registered a case against more than 15 people, as per the police.
The accused have been identified as Sada Parab, Haji Alim, Uday Dalvi, and Santosh Kadam, all Uddhav faction leaders, according to the police.
The structure was demolished on Thursday, June 22.
According to civic officials, Sena (UBT) workers had taken a morcha to the ward office in Santacruz East, highlighting the supply of contaminated water in areas such as Golibar slums, Gandhi Nagar, Jawahar Nagar, Maharashtra Nagar and Dnyaneshwar Nagar in Bandra East. A delegation then went to meet the assistant commissioner, Swapnaja Kshirasagar.
Enraged, shiv sainiks led by Anil Parab, on Monday afternoon went to the BMC office in Santacruz in East Mumbai to register their protest.
During the discussion, a commotion broke out inside the BMC office, which soon escalated into arguments.
In the fight, a BMC official who purportedly led the demolition was slapped on both the cheeks, kicked, and shoved by them as seen in a video. The video also shows BMC security guards attempting to intervene to rescue the official.
The alleged video of the assault, confirmed by the Mumbai police, has gone viral on social media.
"Mumbai's Vakola Police have registered a case against more than 15 people including Uddhav Thackeray faction leader and former minister Anil Parab for allegedly assaulting a BMC official," police said.
"Police have arrested 4 people in the case," the official said.
(Except for the headline, this story has not been edited by NDTV staff and is published from a syndicated feed.)