The Mumbai police have arrested four persons from suburban Andheri, who were allegedly involved in stealing money from people's bank accounts using fake debit and credit cards, an official said on Friday.
Acting on a tip-off, the police laid a trap on Wednesday and apprehended three persons with a skimmer, nine cards with magnetic strip, seven debit cards, three mobile phones and Rs 27,000 cash, the official said.
On interrogation, the police also got information about the main accused, who was subsequently caught, he said.
The fraud and thefts came to light when the deputy manager (risk intelligence and control) of a prominent bank lodged a complaint that some persons had withdrawn money from customers'' accounts with fake debit and credit cards between November 2020 and January 2021, he said.
According to the complaint, bank customers were not receiving OTPs, but money used to get deducted from their accounts, he said.
Following this, an FIR was registered at MIDC police station against an unidentified person, he said.
A probe revealed that many transactions were carried out with debit and credit cards and most of them from a hotel at Mahakali Caves in Andheri East, he said.
The accused, who are in their 20s, had been involved in such activities since the last six months and had cheated many customers of lakhs, he said.
Similar offences had been registered against the main accused of the gang at Oshiwara and Kherwadi earlier, he said.
The gang members were also seen in CCTV footages from ATM centres at Pune and Satara, he said.
The accused have been remanded to police custody till Saturday, the official said, adding that further probe is underway.
(This story has not been edited by NDTV staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.)