The Maharashtra governor Bhagat Singh Koshyari has invited the Shiv Sena to form government after the BJP said it will not stake claim. The BJP and Shiv Sena have been unable to resolve their disagreements over power-sharing in the state which has brought the three-decades old alliance between the two parties on edge. The Shiv Sena has put all its MLAs at a resort at Madh Island in suburban Mumbai. The party led by Uddhav Thackeray says it wants to stop any attempt by the BJP to poach its MLAs.
Here are the live updates on government formation in Maharashtra:
Will Not Stake Claim In Maharashtra, Says BJP Amid Tussle With Shiv Sena | Video | The BJP will not stake claim to form a government in Maharashtra, the party's state chief told reporters after meeting with the governor on Sunday.
Mumbai: Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) Core Committee member Vinod Tawade arrives at the residence of BJP leader Devendra Fadnavis
- ANI (@ANI) November 10, 2019
"Maharashtra's Governor should invite NCP-Congress - the second largest alliance - to form the government now that BJP-Shiv Sena have refused to do so," Congress leader Milind Deora tweeted.
Maharashtra's Governor should invite NCP-Congress - the second largest alliance - to form the government now that BJP-Shivsena have refused to do so
- Milind Deora मिलिंद देवरा (@milinddeora) November 10, 2019
Days after NCP chief Sharad Pawar held talks with Sonia Gandhi amid BJP-Shiv Sena power tussle, Sena leader Sanjay Raut today said it welcomes Congress to form stable government in Maharastra. "Congress is not an enemy of state. If they want to form a government in Maharashtra, we welcome them," he said.
In a fresh attack on ally BJP, Sanjay Raut hit out at Maharashtra's caretaker chief minister Devendra Fadnavis and accused him of playing politics of fear, while making a reference to German dictator Adolf Hitler in the backdop of logjam over government formation in the state. Without naming Mr Fadnavis, Mr Raut, amid the ongoing war of words between the allies, said, "When ways of threatening and seeking political support don't work, it is time to accept that Hitler is dead and the looming clouds of slavery have disappeared."
Shiv Sena's Aaditya Thackeray spent night with his MLAs at Mud Island resort in Mumbai as power tussle with ally BJP continues.