With the addition of more than 10,000 fresh COVID-19 cases on the second consecutive day on Saturday, Maharashtra's tally crossed the 22 lakh-mark and reached 22,08,586, the state Health department said, adding that the last one lakh cases were reported in just 13 days owing to fresh outbreaks in Vidarbha, Mumbai and Pune.
The state added 10,187 cases during the day and counted 47 deaths, taking the overall count to 52,440.
The previous day Maharashtra reported 10,216 new infections, which were the highest additions in a single day in the last five months.
COVID-19 cases in Maharashtra crossed the 21 lakh-mark on February 21 after adding over one lakh cases in almost 31 days to its previous tally of 20,00,878.
However, owing to fresh outbreak of infections in the Vidarbha region and in Mumbai and Pune, the next one lakh cases were added in just 13 days after February 21 to breach the 22 lakh-mark on Saturday, as per the data.
Of the 47 fatalities, 30 occurred in the last 48 hours while 10 had taken place in the last week. Remaining seven deaths had occurred before last week, a health department official said.
In comparison to 10,187 new cases during the day, 6,080 patients were discharged from hospitals, taking the overall number of recoveries in Maharashtra to 20,62,031, the department said.
The state is now left with 92,897 active cases while the case recovery rate is 93.36 per cent. The fatality rate is 2.37 per cent, it said.
Mumbai city reported 1,188 fresh cases in the day while five persons died due to COVID-19, taking the case tally to 3,32,208 and the count to 11,500, the department said.
The Mumbai Metropolitan Region (MMR), which includes Mumbai city and satellite cities, reported 2,208 fresh coronavirus positive cases, taking the cumulative caseload to 7,37,857 and the fatality count to 19,877.
Nashik division's COVID-19 tally increased to 3,00,008 with the death count reached 5,302.
The number of cases in Pune division stood at 5,37,384 and deaths at 11,789, the official said.
Kolhapur division reported 1,20,285 cases so far and 4,076 deaths while Aurangabad division's case tally stood at 83,383 and death count at 2,062.
Latur division reported 87,872 cases until now and 2,547 fatalities.
Akola division's caseload is 1,05,378 while the fatality count is 1,838.
Nagpur division so far added 2,36,273 infections and 4,860 fatalities, the official informed.
With 95,171 tests on Saturday, Maharashtra has so far tested 1,67,76,051 samples.
A total of 4,28,676 people are in home quarantine while 4,514 others remain admitted in institutional quarantine in the state, the official said.
Maharashtra's COVID-19 tally is as follows: Positive cases: 22,08,586, new cases: 10,187, death count: 52,440, discharged: 120,62,031, active cases: 92,897, people tested so far: 1,67,76,051.