Police in Palghar in Maharashtra managed to rescue a woman who was being assaulted by a man during a domestic dispute in the early hours of Friday after she called the number of a local journalist who got in touch with the district police chief.
The journalist from Vasai took to social media to inform the woman called him at 12:15am and said someone was trying to kill her and gave Awadh Nagar, which is in Boisar in the district, as the location of her home.
The journalist first called up emergency number 112 and the local senior inspector and did not get a response from both and then messaged Palghar Superintendent of Police Balasaheb Patil, who got a team to trace the woman's location through technical inputs.
The journalist said a police team went to the house of the woman and managed to rescue her from a man who was attacking her.
An official said a probe into the matter was underway.
(Except for the headline, this story has not been edited by NDTV staff and is published from a syndicated feed.)