Tamil Nadu Governor Banwarilal Purhoit, Chief Minister K Palaniswami and his deputy O Panneerselvam on Friday paid tribute to Mahatma Gandhi on his 151st birth anniversary. At a function held in Raj Bhavan, Mr Purohit handed over a cheque of Rs 51 lakh to the state president of Harijan Sevak Sangh P Maruthi for the construction of a new ladies hostel with all amenities.
The Governor sanctioned the fund under his discretionary grant, an official release said. The Harijan Sevak Sangh's proposal is to accommodate 220 students, to provide free lodging facility to girls from backward communities and economically under privileged families to help them pursue their studies.
Mr Purohit also inaugurated the Gandhi Jayanti-Deepawali "sale" of Khadi Gramodyog Bhavan and purchased Khadi goods.
Mr Palaniswami and Mr Panneerselvam along with their Cabinet colleagues, including D Jayakumar, Dindigul C Sreenivasan and Sellur K Raju, took part in a Sarvodaya Sangh event in honour of Mahatma Gandhi.
Mr Palaniswami and his deputy also paid homage to former chief minister and freedom fighter K Kamaraj on his 45th death anniversary.
A report from neighbouring union territory of Puducherry said Lt Governor Kiran Bedi, Chief Minister V Narayanasamy, Ministers and officials were among those who paid tribute to Mahatma Gandhi. Representatives of all religious groups also participated.
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