Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath targeted the opposition from the podium at the inauguration of Varanasi's Kashi Vishwanath Corridor project today, blaming them for the "filth and congestion" that have been a blot on the country's spiritual capital for decades. The filth, he remarked, has pre-dated Independence. "Mahatma Gandhi came to Varanasi and lamented the filth here, the congestion," he said.
"Since then, many have come to power using Gandhi's name, but realising the dream of Gandhi-ji that Kashi Dham should be a certain way -- this is the first time we are seeing it," said the Chief Minister who is seeking a second term in power in the state elections due next year.
Varanasi -- the heart of Prime Minister Narendra Modi's Lok Sabha constituency -- has been the focus of a slew of development projects over the last few months, which includes an International Cooperation and Convention Centre, Rudrakash, built with Japanese assistance, the Centre for Skill and Technical Support of Central Institute of Petrochemical Engineering and Technology and a 100-bed Maternal and Child Health wing in Banaras Hindu University.
But the opposition claims even the "Swacchata Abhiyan" launched by the Prime Minister in 2014 soon after coming to power, has failed to keep the city clean.
This morning, PM Modi inaugurated a Rs 800 crore project, which connects the iconic Vishwanath temple with the ghats along the river Ganga.
The project -- crucial for the BJP ahead of the elections -- is meant to ensuring easy movement between the ghats and the temple for devotees who have to otherwise navigate the city's age-old serpentine alleyways.
The project also involved repair and restoration of 40 ancient temples that were rediscovered during the first phase of work.
In the last moment rush to finish the first phase of work -- which cost a hefty Rs 339 crore -- nearby buildings were given a fresh coat of pink paint.
On Sunday, Yogi Adityanath's predecessor Akhilesh Yadav claimed credit for the temple project. "If there is any cabinet that passed the Kashi Vishvanath Corridor, it was Samajwadi Party's government," he told reporters.