Trinamool Congress MP Mahua Moitra stormed out of a Lok Sabha Ethics Committee meet today after being asked "filthy questions" during an inquiry into allegations she took Rs 2 crore bribe to ask questions in Parliament. "They are asking filthy questions... picking on anything. Talking rubbish."
Ms Moitra was joined in her walkout by opposition MPs on the panel, including the Bahujan Samaj Party's Danish Ali, who was subject to Islamophobic rants by BJP MP Ramesh Bidhuri in September.
The opposition MPs claimed the panel chief - BJP MP Vinod Kumar Sonkar - repeatedly asked personal questions of the Trinamool leader, including details of her relationship with businessman Darshan Hiranandani, to whom she admitted giving access to her account on the parliament's website.
Mahua Moitra has, however, denied allegations she took a bribe to ask questions.
According to sources, some of these "filthy" questions were - 'how many times did you contact Mr Hiranandani in 2023?', 'how many times did you visit Dubai?', and 'which hotel did you stay (in Dubai)?'
READ | Mahua Moitra, Facing Bribery Allegations, Brought 3 Handbags To Hearing
Opposition MPs claimed Ms Moitra answered some questions - she said she visited Dubai for a family function and that she had visited the city at least three times. Mr Sonkar, however, was reportedly not satisfied and repeated his questions. The MPs also claimed they were not allowed to ask questions.
Sources said the opposition MPs also defended Ms Moitra, pointed out the ID she shared was used only to post questions and that it presented no threat to national security, as claimed by the BJP.
All this happened in the post-lunch session, when Ms Moitra was being cross-examined.
Mr Sonkar responded saying Ms Moitra did not cooperate in the cross-examination, and left in order to avoid answering more questions. "Opposition members also made allegations in anger and walked out to avoid answering more questions... objectionable words used against panel and me," he said.
READ | "Filthy Questions": Mahua Moitra Walks Out Of Meet, Panel Chief Responds
Earlier today, Ms Moitra said the charges against her are motivated by a "sour personal relationship" - a reference to Supreme Court lawyer Jai Anant Dehradai, whom she called her "jilted ex".
READ | "Sour Relationship Led To Row," Mahua Moitra Tells Ethics Panel: Sources
Mr Dehradai had filed the initial complaint with the Central Bureau of Investigation. After the complaint, BJP MP Nishikant Dubey led the call for the Lok Sabha to investigate the allegations.
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