Malayalam actor Anicka Vikhraman on Monday accused her ex-boyfriend Anoop Pillai of mentally and physically torturing her. She also called him "insecure and manipulative" and claimed he had bribed cops to avoid action.
Ms Vikhraman took to Facebook to narrate the explicit details of how Anoop "tortured" her and breached her privacy.
"In spite of leaving these incidents behind, I've been receiving threatening calls, me and my family is being degraded continuously," she claimed in a Facebook post with disturbing photos of her swollen eyes and bruises. She added that she has now completely recovered and started going for shoots.
The actor also posted a screenshot of a WhatsApp chat, presumably with the accused.
"I have never met a human this insecure and manipulative who has been threatening even after all that he did. I never in my wildest dream thought he would do this to me," read a text shared by her.
She said she had complained to the police in Bengaluru when Anoop "hit" her for the second time, but he "paid" off the cops who then asked her to settle the matter. The first time he allegedly attacked her was in Chennai, but she had let him go after he "cried".
She claimed he had also broken her phone to stop her from going to shoot and snooped on her WhatsApp messages.
"Two days before shifting to Hyderabad, he locked my phone and went on a punching spree, suffocated me in spite of me begging him to give my phone. He sat on me and covered my mouth. I had bronchitis. When I was about to lose my consciousness, he lift his hand and I thought it was the last night of my life."
"Let me see how you will act with this face," she recalled him telling her. "When I saw my face in the mirror and started crying loudly, he was laughing, saying 'your drama is good'," she added.
After beating her, Anoop partied with his friends, she claimed, adding that she has complained to the cops.
Ms Vikhraman is known for her role in Vishamakaran (2022), IKK (2021), and Enga Pattan Sothu (2021).