Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee finally had the long pending meeting with Governor Jagdeep Dhankhar over the law and order situation in the state. The official handle of the Raj Bhavan tweeted photos and videos of the meeting, where the two – at loggerheads for years -- were seen greeting each other with folded hands.
The Governor's invitation -- extended following the Birbhum massacre -- dates back to March 29.
Mr Dhankhar, whom the Chief Minister had blocked on Twitter, had posted the invite on the same social media platform. "Recent alarmingly worrisome developments, reflecting increased lawlessness and violence, make it imperative that you spare time earliest for an interaction at Raj Bhavan," he wrote.
The Chief Minister had not responded, having taken exception to the Governor's latest criticism of the government following the violence in Birbhum district, which claimed eight lives.
Accusing the Governor of making "unwarranted statements", the Chief Minister, in a letter, wrote, "Your statements have political overtones supporting other political parties to browbeat the Bengal government".
"Your utterances and statements have political overtones which provide support to other political parties to browbeat the government," she had added.
Mr Dhankhar had invited the Chief Minister for talks in February as well. While no agenda was named, the invite came after Ms Banerjee planned a meeting of opposition Chief Ministers to discuss the "Constitutional overstepping and brazen misuse of power by the Governors".
While tweeting the invite, the Governor wrote that a "lack of response" can "lead to Constitutional stalemate which we both are ordained by our oath to avert".
Underscoring the need for dialogue, he added, "All my earnest efforts in this direction have unfortunately not fructified in view of the stance at our end... There has been no response, now for long, to issues legitimately flagged and in respect of which there is constitutional duty at your end..."
The Chief Minster has said she had made several appeals to Prime Minister Narendra Modi for Mr Dhankhar's removal, but no action has been taken.