West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee on Monday alleged that Union Home Minister Amit Shah was responsible for the recent attacks on her nephew and Trinamool Congress national general secretary Abhishek Banerjee and other party workers, and asserted that she won't be cowed down by such acts.
Her allegation comes days after Abhishek Banerjee and Trinamool student activists were attacked in separate incidents in BJP-ruled Tripura, where the party hopes to expand its base ahead of the 2023 assembly elections.
"The BJP is running an anarchic government in Tripura, Assam, Uttar Pradesh and wherever they are in power. We condemn the attacks on Abhishek and our party activists in Tripura," she said after meeting injured Trinamool workers at state-run SSKM hospital in Kolkata.
"Such attacks would not have been possible without the Union home minister's active support. He is behind these attacks which were carried out in front of Tripura Police as it remained mute spectators. The Tripura chief minister doesn't have the audacity to order such attacks," she added.