A 21-year-old law student was killed, his body packed in a gunny bag and thrown into a drain in Uttar Pradesh's Meerut, said the police. Three people have been arrested in the case, it added.
The student, who had been missing since June 27, has been identified as Yash Rastogi. The accused are Shavej, Imran and Salman.
"Over 250 CCTV cameras were scanned and it has been found that he went on his own. He was seen riding his scooty. After a while he could not be seen on the CCTV. Upon investigation, it was found that three local men had killed him, packed his body in a gunny bag and threw it in a drain. The accused have been arrested," said Sunil Bhatnagar, Superintendent of Police, Meerut.
"The dead student was registered on a few gay sites and reports say he had relations with various men. He even had relations with the accused. We have got proof by way of emails. The accused say that the student had clicked pictures of them during a sexual encounter and that he was blackmailing them for money.
"The men had paid Rs 40,000 to the law student over the last one month. He was again blackmailing them for more when they had a fight and he was killed," the police officer added.
Asked how he was killed, the officer said the post-mortem report is still awaited.