A Twitter user has lashed out at cab-hailing service Uber, claiming that he was charged nearly Rs 3,000 for a 45-kilometre ride. The post by the man is gaining traction on social media, with many users recounting their own experiences and others slamming Uber. The man, who lives in in a housing society near the Noida-Greater Noida Expressway, took the cab from Terminal 2 of Delhi airport on a sunny day, and yet was charged a whopping amount. He has also posted screenshots of the bill he received on the app.
The screenshots show an amount of Rs 2,935 for a distance of 45 kilometres. The user, Debarshi Dasgupta, said that he took the ride on August 5.
"Hate going public about bad service but you leave me with no choice, @Uber_India. Had to pay Rs 2,935 for a cab from Delhi airport's T2 to my home in Noida (around 45 kms) on Aug 5. I was billed for 147.39 kms - halfway to Jaipur that I apparently covered in little over an hour," the man said in his tweet.
"This, when the booking amount was Rs 1,143. Pick-up and drop locations are inaccurate too! Pls sort this mess and refund the excess amount. Don't ask me to send you, my details; you ALREADY have them! You also need to overhaul your complaints redressal mechanism, @Uber_Support," he further said.
As the thread went viral, several Twitter users came forward to describe their own experience in the comment section of the post.
"Please do take it up. They did something similar with me, they charged me about 3-3.5 K from T3 to Noida once. I demanded a refund because they showed 1.5K when I booked. They had to refund," wrote a user.
Another user said, "I had the similar issue. Been following up with these scammers but no response for 3-4 days."
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