After Meiteis And Nagas, Kuki Group Welcomes NRC In Manipur But With Riders

The Kuki Inpi said it has no objection to the NRC in Kuki areas provided it is done under the supervision of the Supreme Court and in consultation with the Kuki Inpi

After Meiteis And Nagas, Kuki Group Welcomes NRC In Manipur But With Riders

Thousands of refugees have fled from the civil war in Myanmar


Days after Meitei and Naga organisations reiterated their demand to implement the National Register of Citizens (NRC) in Manipur to curb infiltration from across the border, the Kuki Inpi on Saturday said they would not oppose the NRC - provided it is under supervision of the Supreme Court.

The Kuki Inpi said they will not dispute any genuine efforts for identification and necessary actions as per constitutional rules and principles, provided that it is carried out under strict supervision of the Supreme Court and in due consultation with the Kuki Inpi.

"Subsequently, any illegal immigrant found, whether a Kuki, Naga or Meitei, may be thoroughly dealt with as per established laws of the country," the Kuki organisation secretary of information and publicity Janghaolun Haokip said.

Mr Haokip said Manipur's NRC demand in no way concerns the Kuki tribes who have been forced out of Manipur and were compelled to petition their grievances to the government for constitutional protection by creating a Union Territory with legislature for the Kukis.

The Kuki Inpi said political settlement is the need above all other matters.

"The unwarranted and brutal hostilities against our people by the Meiteis must end, and only then a procedural conduct of NRC in Kuki-Zo inhabited regions can be justifiable and viable," Mr Haokip said in the statement.

A joint delegation of leaders of the Coordinating Committee for Manipur Integrity (COCOMI) and the United Naga Council (UNC) earlier this week asked Manipur Governor Anusuiya Uikey to implement the NRC in the state with a base year of 1951 to curb infiltration from across the border and protect the indigenous people.

COCOMI coordinator Thokchom Somorendro and UNC president NG Lorho led the joint delegation, which also submitted a memorandum to the Governor.

COCOMI is the umbrella body of civil society groups of the Meitei community in Manipur; the UNC is the leading organisation of Nagas in the state.

Mr Somorendro and Mr Lorho informed the Governor that NRC implementation in Manipur is extremely vital to curb the influx of illegal immigrants, which they claimed, "shattered the demographic balance" of the northeastern state.

"Illegal migrants have already caused serious uncertainties and political insecurities to the native population of the state," the memorandum said.

COCOMI and UNC leaders asked the Governor to implement NRC at the earliest so that scientific method of identification may be applied to detect illegal immigrants and ensure that no further infiltration occurs in the state.
