Delhi's Deputy Chief Minister Manish Sisodia has accused the centre of attempting to hide the "true position of vaccine availability" by ordering states to keep the vaccine data being shared on Electronic Vaccine Intelligence Network (e-VIN) confidential.
The e-VIN platform keeps track of vaccine stock and temperatures maintained during all the stages of storage.
"Am amazed at the order of Central Govt that prevents states from sharing information regarding vaccine stocks! The Central Govt needs to focus on ensuring adequate supply of vaccine to all, rather than hiding the true position of vaccine availability, from the public," he tweeted.
Earlier this month, the Union Health Ministry had written to the directors of the National Health Mission in all states and Union territories that platform data should not be shared with any entity.
"Please be advised that data and analytics generated by eVIN for inventory and temperature is owned by the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare and not to be shared with any other organisation, partner agency, media agency, online and offline public forums without the consent from the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare. This is very sensitive information and to be used only for program improvement," the order reads.
The Delhi government and the centre have been involved in bitter back and forth over vaccine shortage for several weeks.
The vaccination drive in the national capital had been halted for the 18-44 age group for around two weeks due to vaccine shortage. The city had also been struggling to administer the second Covaxin dose.
After the Delhi government received fresh batches of vaccine doses this week, vaccinations of both the groups have resumed.
The centre this week took complete charge of the procurement and distribution of vaccines. Prime Minister Narendra Modi, addressing the nation, said the central government will buy 75 percent of the vaccines supplied and will distribute the doses among states for free. He said the remaining 25 percent will go to the private sector.
Experts say rapid vaccinations are critical to avert a possible third wave of the coronavirus infections.
The centre has promised to provide 200 crore vaccine doses by December, enough to vaccinate all eligible adults. It has placed advance orders for 44 crore doses, which will be supplied between August and December.