Prime Minister Narendra Modi addresses his 50th monthly radio broadcast 'Mann Ki Baat' at All India Radio today. He said the 'Mann Ki Baat' journey started on October 3, 2014, and today is the Golden Jubilee episode. The prime minister also narrated the story of how the idea for the programme came to him during a trip to Himachal Pradesh.
'Mann Ki Baat' has previously seen PM Modi flagging several key issues, including education of the girl child, tackling exam stress, curbing pollution and drug menace, in his previous addresses.
"When Mann ki Baat began, I decided that politics will not be a part of it. It'll neither have the praises of the government nor my name," PM Modi said today.
Here are the Highlights from Mann Ki Baat's 50th episode:
When it comes to youngsters- accept rather than expect. #MannKiBaat50
- PMO India (@PMOIndia) November 25, 2018