Haryana Chief Minister Manohar Lal Khattar on Friday said the percentage of women in the state police force will be increased to 15 per cent in the next five years.
Speaking on the second day of the conference on the "Safety of Women and Children" in Panchkula, the chief minister said was commendable that the percentage of women in the state police had increased from 6 per cent to 10 per cent in the past five years.
"This percentage will now be increased to 15 per cent," he said, adding that the step would boost the morale of the women.
He also said the safety of women and children was the top priority for the state government and they had already opened 34 women police stations in Haryana.
Speaking on sexual violence against women, the chief minister said efforts should be made by families, NGOs and other organisations for imparting moral values among the youth.
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