Banned CPI (Maoist) rebels blasted the building housing Tetaria block and circle offices in Bihar's East Champaran district in the early hours today during a bandh called to protest the recent arrest of their comrade.
",An unspecified number of naxalites broke into the block and circle office running from a community hall at Tetaria by removing the bricks and then triggered an explosive device in the early hours causing considerable damage to the BDO's chamber, verandah, toilet and furniture,", sub-divisional police officer Madan Kumar Anand said.
The Maoists have called a bandh in North Bihar districts to protest the recent arrest of a hardcore member Devendra Sahni alias Ratnakar from Lakhminia village in adjoining Sheohar district.
Efforts were on to apprehend the naxalites, he said.
",An unspecified number of naxalites broke into the block and circle office running from a community hall at Tetaria by removing the bricks and then triggered an explosive device in the early hours causing considerable damage to the BDO's chamber, verandah, toilet and furniture,", sub-divisional police officer Madan Kumar Anand said.
The Maoists have called a bandh in North Bihar districts to protest the recent arrest of a hardcore member Devendra Sahni alias Ratnakar from Lakhminia village in adjoining Sheohar district.
Efforts were on to apprehend the naxalites, he said.
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