A massive fire broke out at a restaurant in Maharashtra's Pune on Tuesday morning. The blaze erupted at the top floor of the Marvel Vista building located at the city's Lulla Nagar Chowk at around 8.45 am, the official said. The blaze has now been doused, he added.
Videos from the spot show the top floor of the building engulfed in flames as fire tenders reach the spot and attempt to control the fire. In one of the videos, the roof and windows of the building can be seen collapsing with debris falling to the ground as the flames grow bigger.
Another clip, which appears to be captured from inside the burning top floor, shows fire officials spraying water at the raging flames from outside a melted and charred door.
Six fire tenders were rushed to the spot to extinguish the massive blaze. According to the police, the area was not crowded when the fire started.
No casualties or injuries have been reported so far.
The cause of the fire is yet to be ascertained.
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