This Article is From Jun 02, 2009

May 30, '09: Violence escalates in Assam

May 30, '09: Violence escalates in Assam

As the government gropes to find a solution to the protracted conflict in Assam's North Cachar Hills, more and more people are getting displaced.

Village after village being are consumed by fire. On Thursday Mabau a Zeme Naga village was gutted. Two persons were killed.

The retaliation came quick. On Friday two Dimasa women were shot at. One of them died on the spot.

"They came, set the houses on fire and killed two persons," says one witness.

More than 225 houses have been destroyed in the district in the last three months. Twenty six people have died, 13 each from Dimasa and Zeme Naga communities. More than three thousand people have been displaced and are living in refugee camps.

Speaking on the issue, Chief Minister Tarun Gogoi said, "N C Hills situation must improve, it will take time but we will go in a very big way. There is not enough coordination amongst different forces that we are organising. It is true money that has gone to extremists, it's a fact. If NHAI fails to complete the road construction we will take it up. We will take the responsibility. Road has to be, or else how will security be provided. Food security is being taken care of. The arrest of the CEM happened under my instruction. I wanted him arrested within 24 hours. All groups are there like NSCN(IM), NSCN(K), but credit goes to the common man that they have exercised restraint. Ceasefire ground rules have changed now, so under the new policy if they want to come for peace talks we will agree. We will see how the Autonomous Council can be made accountable."

But while the DHD(J) is claiming responsibility for targetting trains, abducting civilians and ambushing security forces, no one knows the perpetrators of this Violence that is setting the two communities against each other.

There are several armed groups who have a stake in these hills. Till the government decides on a firm course of action more and more people will find themselves homeless in one of the most multilayered conflict in the state.
