This Article is From Dec 22, 2011

May postpone UP exams for polls: Chief Election Commissioner

New Delhi: With Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Mayawati advancing examinations in the state in a bid to corner the election commission, in an exclusive interview to NDTV, Chief Election Commissioner SY Quraishi has said that the chief minister might be asked to reverse her decision.

Here's an excerpt of that interview:

NDTV: Mayawati pre-poned the school exams from March 1 to 15. Does it affect the Commission in scheduling the UP elections? It seems Mayawati put the Commission in a spot?

Dr Quraishi: I don't know whether we are cornered or not. It squeezes our poll schedule a bit. But we have the option of postponing the UP Board exams.

NDTV: Conducting elections in UP is tough.

Dr Quraishi: UP is a tough state. It has its own problems. In the last two elections there were no problems. UP will live to its standards this time.

NDTV: Caste politics play a vital role in UP polls, how will the Election Commission overcome this issue?

Dr Quraishi: Our concern is every person votes. We had already done vulnerability mapping, meaning finding out troubled areas. No one can bully a voter.

NDTV: Recently the Centre openly said there would be quota for Muslims with an eye on elections. Can't the Commission stop this?

Dr Quraishi: Unfortunately we don't have power. We come into the picture the day poll schedule is announced. We take note of these announcements but we are handicapped. We have been demanding that all the government advertisements which are mostly political should stop before six months of polls. If that happens it would be good. But reforms are with the government.

NDTV: Anna Hazare has said more than 150 MPs with criminal backgrounds are in the Parliament.

Dr Quraishi: It is embarrassing. The number of legislatives with criminal backgrounds is large and it is increasing. We discussed the issue with the Law Minister, and the Election Commission and the Law Ministry jointly held discussions to build consensus. Law Minister Salman Khurshid said that the main issue to debar the criminals will be first drafted and would be tabled in the winter session. That would be a good beginning. But we feel disappointed as it won't be this winter session, because the government's hands are full with the latest problems. I have a letter for the Prime Minister on my table and it is on hold for the last three months. I don't want to add trouble. They have enough trouble from the present situation.

NDTV: Anna Hazare's movement against corruption has got the common man's imagination. Have people lost faith in the system?

Dr Quraishi: It is a matter of undeniable fact that there is deep-rooted corruption. People are fed up. What is the remedy? Poll reforms will cleanse the system. Elections are a source of corruption. An MP spends up to 10 crores to get elected, but on paper he says he spent only 8 to 10 lakhs. They want to recover the money they spent, we have to break this. If we don't act now I see bad times ahead.

NDTV: Do you think Lokpal will put an end to corruption?

Dr Quraishi: I hope it does. Anything weakening the democratic institutions is very dangerous. We have a great Parliamentary system but aberrations are true. People with serious charges are in legislature is a reality. Black money is a reality. We need to deal with reality. If we don't, bad times are ahead. Painting all legislators black also is dangerous. You can't love democracy and hate politicians, without politicians there is no democracy.