Mayawati has already spent Rs 10,000 crore on a dozen Dalit memorials and hundreds of statues across the state capital.
As Uttar Pradesh reels under a severe drought, she asked for another Rs 450 crore to beautify the memorials.
Compare this with the mere Rs 250 crore she released for the 47 drought-hit districts.
Expectedly, the Assembly came to a halt over this issue.
''Uttar Pradesh is facing a severe drought. People are starving. At a time like this, her request for Rs 450 crore to spruce up memorials is a slap in the face of the poor,'' said Pramod Tewari, Leader, Congress Legislature Party.
''We want a CBI probe into the funds spent on erecting memorials, statues, and elephant symbols. The state budget has been misused and public funds have been looted,'' put forth Pramod Tewari, Leader, Congress Legislature Party.
So what if these memorials don't put food on the table of UP's poorest section - the Dalits? Mayawati knows that for them, the symbolism of these structures is more important and that explains her continuing shameless expenditure on these memorials.
As Uttar Pradesh reels under a severe drought, she asked for another Rs 450 crore to beautify the memorials.
Compare this with the mere Rs 250 crore she released for the 47 drought-hit districts.
Expectedly, the Assembly came to a halt over this issue.
''Uttar Pradesh is facing a severe drought. People are starving. At a time like this, her request for Rs 450 crore to spruce up memorials is a slap in the face of the poor,'' said Pramod Tewari, Leader, Congress Legislature Party.
''We want a CBI probe into the funds spent on erecting memorials, statues, and elephant symbols. The state budget has been misused and public funds have been looted,'' put forth Pramod Tewari, Leader, Congress Legislature Party.
So what if these memorials don't put food on the table of UP's poorest section - the Dalits? Mayawati knows that for them, the symbolism of these structures is more important and that explains her continuing shameless expenditure on these memorials.