Edwin Joseph is Bengaluru's Sparrow Man - and he misses the birds that were once found in the thousands in the IT city - but are now very rarely seen. He has made his home a safe corner for the little creatures - and would like everyone to do their bit to help the chirps of the sparrow be heard again across the city.
Every single day, Edwin, a retired government servant, makes sure his house is ready for his much-loved guests. He buys grains specially for and has hung up terracotta nests for sparrows that want to stay a bit longer.
Edwin Joseph is known as Bengaluru's Sparrow Man
And Edwin's warm invitation has been accepted.
This little sparrow may be a rare bird in Bengaluru these days. But Edwin's house gets these special visitors every day.
Edwin told NDTV, "During my young age, childhood, I used to see a lot of sparrows in Bangalore. Even after marriage, we had a nest inside the bedroom. We lived in a tiled house those days.
Now Bengaluru has started to become a concrete jungle. Trees being chopped. Lakes have disappeared. Lakes have become layouts."
Edwin Joseph has hung up terracotta nests for sparrows in his house
"There is no water for the birds to drink. Even animals are finding it difficult. They don't get food or shelter as the trees are not there. Water is not there which is very, very important."
Edwin and his late wife, Sarah, wanted to help. "We thought we would also start providing. I told my wife to start cleaning grain in the compound. Allow the rice to fall. A lot of birds would sit near her feet and eat. I would tell my wife - throw one more handful. Let them enjoy!”
Enjoy they do. After all the little fellows have found this oasis in an ever expanding concrete jungle, thanks to Edwin.