An Ayurveda doctor from Jaipur was among the nine tourists who died after their vehicle was hit by falling rocks due to a massive landslide in the mountainous Kinnaur district in Himachal Pradesh on Sunday. In Dr Deepa Sharma's last tweet, posted minutes before the tragedy, she wrote, “…standing at the last point of India where civilians are allowed.”
The 34-year-old, whose Twitter feed is filled with picturesque shots from her Himachal visit, can be seen happily posing for the camera at Nagasti ITBP check-post in her last post at 12.59 PM. According to report, multiple landslides occurred near Basteri on Sangla-Chitkul road at 1.25 pm, just minutes after Ms Sharma shared the travel photo.
The landslides resulted in a bridge collapse and damage to some vehicles.
"Life is nothing without mother nature," read one of her earlier tweets.
Several on Twitter expressed shock and condoled the death of the young doctor.
Large chunks of rocks were seen breaking off a mountain and rolling down into the valley below in a dramatic video footage of the incident. A section of the bridge can also be seen crumbling and plunging into a river after a boulder hits it.
Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Chief Minister Jairam Thakur condoled the loss of lives in the accident.PM Modi also announced an aid of Rs 2 lakh each for the families of those who died in the accident and Rs 50,000 to the injured from the Prime Minister's National Relief Fund.