The 20-year-old French woman who had been missing for nearly two weeks from Rajasthan has been found alive in Alwar. Gaelle Chouteau had reached Puskhar on May 30 where she stayed in a hotel in 'Holi Ka chowk' area before leaving for Jaipur on June 1. She was reported missing since then.
Ms Chouteau was in Saarkela village of Alwar where she was learning organic farming. The investigation team heaved a sigh of relief after an officer from the Pushkar police station informed on her whereabouts.
French Ambassador in India Alexandre Ziegler had tweeted on Wednesday stating her disappearance and asking information on her whereabouts. The Rajasthan police immediately started investigating the matter and responded to the French Ambassador.
External Affairs Minister Sushma Swaraj had also assured that the French tourist would be found.
Rajasthan Police tweeted a video of Ms Chouteau, who was safe in Alwar:
Thank you @FranceinIndia Sir for acknowledging.
- Rajasthan Police (@PoliceRajasthan) June 14, 2018
We shall try and always live up to your expectations. We are sharing a video of Ms Gaelle Chouteau. Great job by @AlwarPolice@PMOIndia @HMOIndia @SushmaSwaraj @VasundharaBJP
The police had found that neither her mobile phone nor her ATM card had been used in the past fortnight which had made authorities more alarmed about her disappearance.
Ms Chouteau has said she went there on her own and also intends to stay there for a week more learning more on organic farming.
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