The BJP on Tuesday rejected the assertion that actor-turned-politician Mithun Chakraborty's purse was stolen during a rally in Jharkhand's Dhanbad, claiming that it was misplaced and later found.
The incident happened when Mr Chakraborty was in the Nirsa assembly constituency to address a rally in favour of BJP candidate Aparna Sengupta.
"There was no such incident of pickpocketing. The purse was misplaced and later found," BJP's Dhanbad district president Ghanshyam Grover told PTI.
However, a video of the rally went viral on social media in which a BJP leader was heard saying on the microphone, "Whosoever has taken Mithun-da's purse, please return it. This is not the culture of Nirsa." PTI could not independently verify the video.
(Except for the headline, this story has not been edited by NDTV staff and is published from a syndicated feed.)