A mob of more than 60 people launched an attack on a police station in Madhya Pradesh's Burhanpur district on Friday and freed three accused persons, including a dacoit, lodged in the lock-up, an official said. The incident took place around 3 am, when the mob entered Nepanagar police station, attacked and injured on-duty policemen and damaged several police vehicles, the official said.
Four policemen were injured in the incident and are undergoing treatment at a private hospital, he said.
The mob freed dacoit Hema Meghwal, who was carrying a reward of Rs 32,000, and their two other associates lodged in the lock-up. Meghwal was arrested a few days ago, Burhanpur SP, Rahul Kumar Lodha said.
On being alerted about the attack, senior officials including Collector Bhavya Mittal and the superintendent of police reached the spot.
At the time of the incident, four policemen were on duty, while the attackers were more than 60, Mr Lodha said.
The police were using CCTV footage to identify the attackers, he said.
Apart from Meghwal, the mob also freed Magan Patel and another youth from the lock-up, the official added.
(This story has not been edited by NDTV staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.)