This Article is From May 22, 2016

Modi Government Does Not Believe In Empty Populist Measures: Amit Shah

All India

BJP president Amit Shah accused the previous UPA government of engaging in "corruption" to the tune of Rs 12 lakh crore. (PTI photo)

New Delhi: Asserting that the Modi government has ended the confusion over whether to accord priority to economic reform or public welfare, promote industry or agriculture by striking a right balance, BJP chief Amit Shah today asked the party's social media volunteers to spread awareness about the good work done by it.

Calling the volunteers "cyber warriors", who are not constrained by the limits of traditional media, he said the government had ended four confusions that had dragged down previous dispensations.

The past governments, he said, were always gripped by this confusion over whether to give priority to politicians or bureaucracy, villages or cities, industry or agriculture and economic reform or social welfare.

"The Narendra Modi government has ended all these four confusions. These had dragged down the previous regimes and country's future. This is a big achievement," he told the volunteers ahead of a massive public outreach planned by BJP from May 26 to mark the government's second anniversary.

He cited the decision to link oil prices to market, a measure withdrawn by the previous governments under "pressure", to highlight the government's reform credentials and spoke about various social welfare schemes to stress on the Modi dispensation's commitment to the masses.

Mr Shah accused the previous UPA government of engaging in "corruption" to the tune of Rs 12 lakh crore, saying no government in the world had caused so much loss to public exchequer.

"This government wants to bring in reform and its priority is to establish a welfare state too... It has struck a fine balance by giving equal weightage to agriculture and industry. It has made a new beginning," he said.

The government does not believe in "empty populist measures and schemes that remain on paper", he said, adding it wants to bring in fundamental changes and is working with a vision.

Praising volunteers for publicising the government's "achievements" and also taking on those "wrongly" targeting it, he said they had made a "big contribution" to the party's win in 2014 Lok Sabha elections.

"That victory is going to be cited as historic for changing the course of country's history," he said.

Speaking about employment, a question Shah said will be asked at the 200 press conferences the party plans to hold across the country to mark the completion of Modi government's two years in office, he said no ruling dispensation can provide jobs to all youths but it launched schemes like Start Up India, Stand Up India and Mudra loan programme to make them self-dependent.

While the Constitution has put in a place a system for running the government, it was the BJP dispensation that outlined the responsibilities of politicians and bureaucracy, Mr Shah said, claiming the "policy paralysis" during the UPA rule was caused by confusion which led to corruption.

The Modi government, he claimed, had put the country on the path to development and no charge of corruption has been levelled against it in the last two years it has been in office. There will not be any allegation of corruption against the government even after five years, he said.

"It is working to ensure that this great country is among the frontline nations globally and not to win the next elections," he told the volunteers, adding the Modi government has touched all sections of society with its various schemes and works.

He cited a slew of measures targeting farmers, like crop insurance and soil health card schemes, and for the rural poor such as free LPG connection and insurance scheme, to buttress his point.

"The traditional media has its limits when it comes to spreading the good news. I appeal you to do so," he said.

Mr Shah said PM Modi's foreign trips were fewer than those undertaken by his predecessors, an apparent reference to Manmohan Singh, but there is so much buzz around them that it appears that they are more in numbers.

The government is also working to fully modernise the armed forces.

After Lal Bahadur Shastri, he said, PM Modi was the first prime minister who had the "moral authority" to ask people to give up (LPG subsidy) and over one crore people did so.

PM Modi comes from a poor family and understands its pain, he said.

Union Ministers VK Singh and Piyush Goyal spoke at length about the government's achievements. A monograph on the Modi government's achievements, put together by party vice president Vinay Sahasrabuddhe, was also released by Mr Shah.

Every moment of their life and every bit of their body is dedicated to 'Bharat Mata', Mr Shah said talking about the BJP leadership.

Attacking the UPA government, he said it committed scams everywhere-- from space to under the earth--, apparently referring to the 2G and coal scams.

Under the Modi government, India's foreign and defence policies have been strengthened and the whole world is looking at it with hope, he said.

Mr Shah claimed the government also saved over Rs 14,000 crore by directly transferring subsidies to the bank accounts of the poor, curbing corruption and black-marketing.

Over 1 crore families have already received subsidised LPG connections and over six crore are expected to get it by 2019, he said, adding there was record production of urea, coal and power.