Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Saturday targeted the Congress over corruption and for ignoring farmers' interest, as he kicked off BJP's election campaign by asking people to elect a stable government in poll-bound Chhattisgarh. He stressed that the BJP-ruled state has shown that development is possible with a stable government. Addressing a farmers rally, PM Modi said the only objective of the BJP-led governments at the Centre and in Chhattisgarh were the welfare of the poor and the common people.
The PM visited the state after a visit to Odisha where he unveiled a plaque to mark the commencement of work for the revival of the Talcher fertilizer plant in Odisha.
Here are the highligts on PM Modi's visit to Odisha and Chhattisgarh:
LIVE: PM @narendramodi at Kisan Sammelan, lays foundation stone of projects in Chhattisgarh. #PMforNavaCG2025
- BJP (@BJP4India) September 22, 2018