Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath made a veiled attack at Samajwadi Party and said that the previous government was looting the people while now the money is being spent for welfare schemes, adding that crores of rupees which was embezzled during previous government are now recovered from their walls even after being out of power for five years.
"While Bharatiya Janata Party's double engine governments are working with full commitment, you must have seen, those who are out of power for five years, even today crores of currency notes are coming out of their walls," Yogi Adityanath said referring to Kanpur businessman Piyush Jain whose premises was raided by central agencies recently in which a total of Rs 177.45 crore cash was recovered.
"The free food that the central and state governments are giving to the people of the state, that money was used for corruption in the earlier governments," he said while addressing a rally in Kaushambi, UP during the 'Jan Vishwas Yatra' on Sunday.
The Chief Minister said that the Opposition has committed crimes against humanity by opposing the COVID-19 vaccines.
"The people who were against the vaccines were committing crimes against humanity and making friends with corona. They did not care for the poor. When they had the opportunity, they could not do anything. This is why when they are out of power now, they are playing with the lives of the people taking the support of misinformation," he said.
Highlighting his government's "achievements", the Chief Minister said that 50,000 families have been allotted new homes in Kaushambi.
"Nearly 50,000 families have been allotted new homes in Kaushambi. Earlier there were restrictions on Kaveri Yatra, today the government shows petals for the Yatra. Earlier there was a stampede in Kumbh in Prayagraj, now when Kumbh is organised in Prayagraj, devotees from all parts of the world laud the preparations."
(Except for the headline, this story has not been edited by NDTV staff and is published from a syndicated feed.)
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