Proceedings in the Lok Sabha and the Rajya Sabha have been adjourned for the day amid protests and sloganeering by Opposition MPs over various issues including price hikes and inflation, after the second day of Monsoon Session of the Parliament began this morning.
The Indian Antarctic Bill, 2022 was up for consideration and passing in the Lok Sabha today. The Rajya Sabha was set to consider The Weapons of Mass Destruction and their Delivery Systems (Prohibition of Unlawful Activities) Amendment Bill, 2022 today.
Members of the Congress, Trinamool Congress, and DMK, carrying placards, protested in the Well of the Lok Sabha, and raised slogans against the imposition of GST on some new items as well as price rise. Besides, several Opposition MPs, including Congress leader Rahul Gandhi, protested in the Parliament complex against the rising prices of commodities and LPG price hike.
The Monsoon Session of the Parliament commenced yesterday and will conclude on August 12.
Here are the Highlights on Parliament Monsoon Session 2022:
Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha proceedings have adjourned for the day amid opposition protests over various issues including price rise, GST rates.
As soon as the second day of the Monsoon Session commenced, the Rajya Sabha was adjourned till 2 pm amid protests and sloganeering by the opposition parties over inflation and GST rate hikes. Earlier today, the Lok Sabha was also adjourned till 2 pm amid sloganeering by the Opposition MPs. (ANI)
Prime Minister Narendra Modi today held discussions with his top ministers to formulate the government's strategy in Parliament, for the ongoing Monsoon session. This comes after the Opposition parties are up in arms to attack the government over the issues of price rise, GST hike and 'Agnipath' scheme, and even forced adjournments in both the Houses of the Parliament. (ANI)
The Lok Sabha has been adjourned on Tuesday till 2 pm amid sloganeering by Opposition MPs over price hike and inflation. Lok Sabha Speaker Om Birla, prior to adjourning the House proceedings till 2 pm, said, "As per rules, it is not allowed to bring placards inside the House."