Multiple police cases have been filed in Assam against Leena Manimekalai, the director of the documentary "Kaali" whose poster has caused huge controversy. At least two Assam-based organisations alleged that Leena Manimekalai hurt religious sentiments with the poster, police sources have added.
The "Hindu Suraksha Manch" and the "United Trust of Assam" jointly lodged a police complaint in Guwahati, demanding immediate action against the filmmaker for "hurting religious sentiments" with the poster of her documentary, police sources added.
On June 5, another complaint was lodged at the Geetanagar Police Station by Kumtumb Surakhsa Mancha.
The complainants said the poster depicts Goddess Kali in a manner "unacceptable by any Hindu" and that it was a "deliberate distortion of the Hindu religion and culture with malicious intent to insult Hindu religious feelings".
Another case was filed in Lucknow by the Uttar Pradesh police. Cases have been filed against her in Delhi as well.
The poster of the documentary, shared on social media by the Madurai-born filmmaker, shows a woman dressed in a costume portraying the goddess and smoking a cigarette. A flag of the LGBT community is seen in the background.
Amid outrage in India, the Indian High Commission asked the Canadian authorities to withdraw the disrespectful depiction of Hindu Gods showcased as part of the 'Under the Tent' project at the Aga Khan Museum, Toronto.
"We urge the Canadian authorities and the event organizers to withdraw all such provocative material," read Indian High Commission in Canada press release.