This Article is From Jul 17, 2011

Mumbai blasts: The man who played the good samaritan

Mumbai: Vinod Sarwadekar, a diamond broker, is not only a good Samaritan but a hero as well.

Since Wednesday, the day three serial blasts shook Mumbai, he has barely got any sleep.

He lives close to Panchratna, the diamond market, in the Opera House area - the site where one of the three blasts took place.

"Everything was mangled on the scene. The bodies were everywhere, many of them in pieces. They were all piled up. We put them into vehicles, made sure the taxis and other vehicles were cleared off so they could leave quickly," said Vinod Sarwadekar.

Mr Sarwadekar arranged transport, so those injured could get to hospitals quickly.

His presence of mind ensuring that many lives were saved.

"He rushed in with stretchers and made sure those injured were quickly carried out of the site and to the hospitals," said an eyewitness.

Even now he is a constant presence at the blast site making sure crowds don't gather and valuable evidence is not lost.

He is one among those many nameless Mumbaikars who have come forward to lend a helping hand to the city in its time of need.
