Aryan Khan, son of movie star Shah Rukh Khan, has been denied bail in the and will be spending the weekend in prison. He was sent to judicial custody by the Magistrate's court yesterday. Aryan Khan was supplied drugs by one of the other men arrested in the cruise ship drug bust, the anti-drugs agency said in court yesterday as it argued against the 23-year-old being given bail. On Monday, he was denied bail after his sensational arrest and was sent to the custody of anti-drugs agency Narcotics Control Bureau (NCB) till yesterday by a Mumbai court.
Aryan Khan has been kept in the quarantine cell of Mumbai's Arthur Road jail. The women were taken to Byculla jail. All the eight accused, including Aryan Khan, have tested negative for COVID-19. But as per the new jail guidelines, new accused should be kept in the quarantine cell for seven days.
All eight were arrested on Sunday after the anti-drugs agency went undercover and raided a rave party on Saturday evening on the "Cordelia" cruise sailing from Mumbai to Goa.
The raids produced a haul of 13 grams of cocaine, 21 grams of charas, 22 pills of MDMA and 5 grams of MD, the anti-drugs bureau said. The drugs were found hidden in clothes, underwear and purses, reported news agency Press Trust of India, quoting an unnamed official of the anti-drugs bureau.
Here are the Live Updates on Mumbai Drug Bust Case involving Aryan Khan:
The Magistrate court has ruled "non-maintainability" because there are seizures (drugs) in the case (though not from Aryan Khan but from others). Hence, the case can be tried under the Sessions court. While Aryan Khan's lawyer said that nothing has been seized from him but the NCB, citing Rhea Chakraborty's case, argued that the accused cannot be bifurcated based on seizure and no-seizure in a single case.
Aryan Khan, the son of superstar Shah Rukh Khan, will not be given bail after he was arrested Monday in connection with a drugs case, a Mumbai Magistrates court announced Friday evening, indicating that his bail application was "not maintainable".
No bail for Aryan Khan, plea not maintainable, says court. Aryan Khan's lawyer will have to approach the Sessions Court for bail
Court to announce operating part of the order, detailed order to come later.
Satish Maneshinde says this is a case of no material against (Aryan) Khan.
"They held me for seven days. Even if they want to say I will tamper with evidence, they should come with a positive case of how I will do it.," he tells the court.
(Live Law)
Aryan Khan's Lawyer Satish Maneshinde: How can I be part of the conspiracy when I did not know anyone but Arbaaz?
Aryan Khan's Lawyer Satish Maneshinde: My learned friend referred to Rhea Chakraborty but in that case also we got bail. Unless you show material against me, you cannot hold me for a moment.
Aryan Khan's Lawyer Satish Maneshinde: Trials have to happen in special court but that does not bar magistrate from granting bail.
Aryan Khan's Lawyer Satish Maneshinde: I want to make it loud and clear to ask for bail as a matter of right. Inspite of the fact that offences are non-bailable, my argument is on a day when your honour grants judicial custody, prosecution cannot say you are not the regular court for bail...Your honour has full judicial discretion to grant bail.
Additional Solicitor General: Here is a case where there is an involvement of 17 persons. Their connections, involvement, etc is there and investigation is at a preliminary stage. There will be interfering with witnesses. They are influential persons. There is a chance of tampering with evidence. Had it been one person found with small quantity it would be different . We have got a lot of material during investigation. Protection like bail at this stage will hamper the investigation.
Additional Solicitor General: They cannot say they met at the terminal. They went in the same car.
Additional Solicitor General: Their assembling there was not a coincidence.
Court: Can you disclose their specific chats that show their assembling?
Additional Solicitor General: They are regular users of contraband.
Additional Solicitor General: I would request the court to decide on maintainability, but if you want me to argue on merits, I will.
Court: You must argue.
Additional Solicitor General: Okay I will argue on merits.
Additional Solicitor General: You cannot segregate, you cannot say my case is separate.
Additional Solicitor General: My learned friend (Aryan Khan's lawyer) said yesterday that chats were related to football. It actually refers to bulk quantity.
Additional Solicitor General: If your lordship can grant remand, it does not mean your lordship can grant bail.
Aryan Khan has been kept in the quarantine cell of Mumbai's Arthur Road jail. Though his RT-PCR report is negative, as per new jail guidelines, any new accused should be kept in quarantine cell for seven days.
Satish Maneshinde: Since I am not found in possession of anything I cannot be trucked with them
Satish Maneshinde: No material has been found on me or in my bag
Satish Maneshinde: where is the material to prosecute?
Satish Maneshinde: It is well settled position that the offence is bailable and non-bailable according to my learned friend
Court: It has to be seen if the court is competent or not...we will decide on it.
Additional Solicitor General: At this stage accused cannot be segregated or bifurcated. The accused were arrested in a single crime
Aryan Khan and other accused are being taken to jail from NCB office, as per sources. After their medical they'll be sent to jail. Men will be sent to Arthur Road jail and women to Byculla jail.
Court waiting for reply to be filed
Additional Solicitor General: Reply is coming
Court: File your reply and give them a copy
Court: Yes I will decide
Court: I will decide on it
Additional Solicitor General Anil Singh arrives in Court to argue against bail petition moved in the magistrate's court.
Advocate Tarraq Sayyed informs court that the anti-drugs agency lawyers are on the way. Bail hearing to commence as soon as NCB lawyers arrive. NCB Special Counsel Advait Sethna's junior informs the court that they are just preparing the replies and they will be in court in ten to fifteen minutes. NCB Special Counsel Advait Sethna's junior informs the court that the Additional Solicitor General Anil Singh is also on the way.
Lawyers for the accused Satish Maneshinde, Tarraq Sayyed and Ali Kashif Khan Deshmukh arrive in court.
The Narcotics Control Bureau (NCB) has arrested a Nigerian national in connection with the alleged seizure of drugs from a Goa-bound cruise ship off the Mumbai coast.
This has taken the number of arrested persons in the case -- which includes Bollywood actor Shah Rukh Khan's son Aryan Khan -- to 18.
Nigerian national Chinedu Igwe was arrested from suburban Andheri on Wednesday, and 40 tablets of Ecstasy were found from his possession, an NCB official said.
Nationalist Congress Party leader Nawab Malik has said he will release evidence today to show that one of the people detained and later released by the Narcotics Control Bureau or NCB after the Mumbai drugs bust in a cruise ship was the in-law of a BJP leader.
The country's anti-drugs agency has been running a "network" in Mumbai for the last one year "for only and only publicity," Mr Malik told NDTV on Thursday, hours after superstar Shah Rukh Khan's son, Aryan, was taken under judicial custody for a bail hearing in the drugs bust case.
The involvement of a BJP worker and a private detective in the raid on a cruise ship off the Mumbai coast by India's anti-drugs agency has kicked up a controversy. The Narcotics Control Bureau or NCB conducted the raid on Sunday and arrested eight people, including actor Shah Rukh Khan's son Aryan Khan. The NCB said drugs like ecstasy and cocaine, among others, were found at a party on the cruise ship.
Days later, videos of the raid surfaced online showing the two men escorting those who were detained that night into the NCB office.