This Article is From Aug 28, 2013

Mumbai gang-rape: photographer has left hospital, accused taken to Shakti Mills

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Investigators taking Mumbai gang-rape accused to the scene of crime

New Delhi: The young photographer who was gang-raped while on assignment with a male colleague last week has recovered from her injuries and has been sent home. A statement from Jaslok Hospital, where she was being treated, said that the 22-year-old was discharged on Tuesday night.

"The news bulletin was not the patient's relatives had requested the management to maintain patient's confidentiality," the hospital statement said.

Last week, the survivor, who has been praised by the police and doctors for her courage in reporting to hospital immediately after the attack, said that "rape is not the end of life" and asserted that she wants to get back to work quickly.

The five men who have been arrested for taking turns to rape her at Shakti Mills in the heart of Mumbai were taken by the police today to assist in reconstructing the crime.

They had allegedly accosted the journalists on Thursday evening, accusing them of trespassing. They then allegedly tied up the man with belts and attacked the photographer, while holding a broken beer bottle to her neck to keep her from shouting for help.

The police says the gang later made the survivor clean the scene of the crime and took two photos of her on a cellphone that is now missing. They had threatened to release the photos on social networks if she reported the attack.

The couple then phoned their supervisor for assistance and accompanied by him, went to Jaslok Hospital. Doctors say that they were able to collect crucial samples that will establish the guilt of the accused; the survivor has also given a detailed statement to the police on the savage attack.
