This Article is From Dec 29, 2009

Mumbai police intensifies checks after tip off

Mumbai: Mumbai police have been carrying out surprise checks in hotels following intelligence inputs that some terror suspects from neighbouring countries may have infiltrated into the city to carry out terror activities.

Police sources said that documents of Afghanistan and Pakistan nationals pertaining to their stay in Mumbai have been thoroughly verified.

About 500 hotels and lodges including five star hotels were checked recently to ascertain if any foreign national is staying there without proper documentation or carrying out any suspicious activities, sources in the Special Branch of Mumbai police said.

The police have received intelligence inputs that terror suspects from neighbouring countries particularly from Pakistan and Afghanistan are believed to have sneaked into the city with an intention to carry out terror activities.

Home Ministry sources said these were routine checks as the intelligence inputs were trickling in now and again after Mumbai terror attacks.

Asked about the checks at hotels, Director General of Police A N Roy said, "We are doing everything to prevent terror attacks in the city and the state. We are taking precautions to ensure that New Year celebrations pass off peacefully." He refused to comment further.