Heavy rain since morning has led to waterlogging in many parts of Mumbai which has been warned of more showers through the day. The city's civic body has asked residents to "follow all necessary precautions and stay away from the shore". The Met department has upgraded its alert from 'Orange' to 'Red' for the city, warning of "heavy to very heavy" rainfall today.
A 'Red' alert indicates "immediate action." to be taken by the authorities
The India Meteorological Department (IMD) has also forecast heavy rain for Thane, Palghar and other coastal districts of the Maharashtra.
The latest satellite pictures show "possibilities of isolated extremely heavy rainfall (more than 200 mm) over Konkan, including Mumbai, Thane today...," KS Hosalikar, Deputy Director General of Meteorology, India Met Department, Mumbai tweeted.
Severe waterlogging has been reported in the low-lying areas in Mumbai and some buses have been diverted.
The Santacruz weather bureau in Mumbai recorded 86 mm rainfall from 8.30 am to 8.30 pm on Tuesday and the Colaba station reported 50 mm rainfall during the same period.
According to the IMD, rainfall between 64 mm to 115 mm is considered "heavy" while precipitation between 115 mm and 204 mm is termed as "very heavy".
On Tuesday, the weather office said, heavy rainfall is also expected in Kolhapur, Satara, Aurangabad and Jalna districts.
Mumbai and the Maharashtra coast are getting heavy rainfall due to a low level cyclonic circulation over the Konkan coast, the IMD said.
The city is already close to the amount of monsoon rainfall it normally receives in July with half of the month yet to go.