This Article is From Jul 20, 2009

Mumbai reacts to Kasab's confession

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It was an emotional moment for ordinary citizens and the families of the Mumbai martyrs when Ajmal Kasab confessed to his role in the 26/11 Mumbai attacks.

Vijay Salaskar, Hemant Karkare and Ashok Kamte - three officers, all seated in the same car, drove down to confront the terrorists and were killed in a shower of bullets. The tragedy defines the losses of 26/11.

Kasab also shot at Abdul Qureshi at CST, and a bullet is still lodged in his shoulder.

''Kasab should be hanged. He did not differentiate between Hindus or Muslim, woman or children, just kept firing. He is not a Muslim," said Abdul.

Karuna Waghela's husband had offered Kasab water, and in return, Kasab killed him. She thinks the confession comes too late.

"Kasab's confession is fine. But all this has come too late. My young children still ask about their father. I have nothing to say to them," said Karuna.

During the trial that has completed 65 hearings, key witnesses have corroborated Kasab's crimes - the doctors who treated him at Nair Hospital, the railway commentator who dodged his gunfire, and kept warning people to safety, the 10-year-old witness, who took Kasab's bullet, and is on crutches, the photojournalists who captured his killing spree, and the constable who took him on with a gun that refused to work.

The terror attack in Mumbai was something all residents watched in shock and pain. And today as Ajmal Kasab has finally confessed his crime, this is what people have to say:

"The family members have already lost their loved ones. So what kind of justice is this?," said a Mumbai resident.

"Still there are camps running in Kashmir and there are still blasts. So it will happen again," said another.
