Anil Sharma, the managing director of the Amrapali Group, is among six persons accused of the murder of a man in Bihar that took place seven years ago. Dr Sharad Chandra, then a secretary of Balika Vidyapeeth in Lakhisarai, was shot dead at his home in the campus in August 2014.
The Central Bureau of Investigation – which took over the investigation on the order of the Patna high court – said the motive was to take over the land and assets belonging to the educational institution. Chandra was removed from his post after Anil Sharma, with the help of some others, seized the land and assets of the institution.
"Anil Sharma, MD of Amrapali Group, had usurped the trust of Balika Vidyapeeth with the help of Rajendra Prasad Singhania, Dr. Praveen Kumar Sinha, Shyam Sunder Prasad and Shambhu Sharan Singh," the agency has alleged.
Chandra was shot while he was reading a newspaper in the balcony.
The secretary, the CBI said, was targeted earlier too as he had raised questions about the way the school was being run. He was threatened, his house was damaged and he was shot at, the agency said.
Last month, a single-judge bench of Justice Rajeev Ranjan Prasad, had ordered a CBI probe into the murder, following a petition from Sharad Chandra's wife.