A woman has come forward with a disturbing account of street harassment in Bengaluru. The incident occurred on Horamavu Main Road, where she was walking with her boyfriend after taking an auto-rickshaw. As they were walking towards their home, three men on a motorcycle passed the couple, and the rider in the back allegedly spanked her before speeding away. The victim recounted the shocking event in a Reddit post, expressing disillusionment with the city she once considered safe.
''I was returning from Church Street to my home which is in Horamavu Main Road with my boyfriend. We were returning from Auto and when we almost reached home, we thought we'd grab a smoke and then walk home. It was hardly 300 metres. 3 men on a bike passed us and the one sitting behind spanked me. They sped up after this. I was so shocked because I never expected to experience this in a city like Bangalore," she wrote.
Originally from Noida, she had often reassured her family that Bangalore offered her the freedom to move around safely at any hour. "This incident shattered the image I had of the city completely," she added, recounting her feelings of terror, helplessness, and guilt in the aftermath.
"Being an open-minded, secure woman, I still blamed myself—for not seeing it coming, for wearing a skirt, for walking home at night. I can't stop thinking about the fact that I just couldn't do anything. I couldn't see their faces, couldn't note down their bike number. I screamed at first but then within seconds my vision blurred and I froze," she added.
See the full post here:
Terrifying incident in Bangalore
byu/Even_Professional515 inbangalore
The incident sparked strong reactions from Reddit users, with many expressing their frustration over the safety concerns in Bengaluru. Many users asked the woman to report the incident to the police.
One user wrote, ''Really sorry to hear you had to go through this. It needs to be reported for the better future of women in Bangalore. Please take broseph & team's help and its police's job to investigate by gathering cctv footage wherever available."
Another commented, "Go to police station, if any good officer, he would find the clues from your memory of that night. Like what colour was their vehicle, which direction they came from, he will check the CCTV in other areas. Just go and lodge the FIR, they have to work on FIR. Don't settle for oral complaint."
Before this, a Bengaluru-based social media influencer alleged that she was molested by a 10-year-old boy while she was on her way back from work. The influencer, Neha Biswal, narrated the whole incident in a video. She claimed that she was walking down a street at BTM Layout and was recording a video when a boy riding a bicycle came from the opposite direction and touched her inappropriately.