Uttarakhand Director-General of Police Ashok Kumar on Wednesday said that the route to Nainital from Kaladhungi, which was blocked due to heavy rain that triggered a series of landslides, has been reopened and that tourists have safely left the area.
"The route for Nainital from Kaladhungi has re-opened. All the tourists stuck at that place have left and are safe," said the DGP.
The senior police officer has however said that the main road from Haldwani to Almora continues to be blocked and it will take time to restore the connectivity.
"The Garhwal region has opened, Chaar Dham Yatra has started there. However, the weather will be down till today's noon in the Kumaon region, but it will open eventually," he added.
DGP said that around 45 to 50 casualties have taken place due to heavy rains, floods, landslides in the state during the last three days and efforts are on to restore the connectivity in the areas which have been cut off.
The continuous rainfall in the hilly state has witnessed flooded roads, buildings and an overflowing lake leaving people stranded in all sorts of locations. The deaths in rain-battered Uttarakhand has mounted to 46 following several incidents of flash floods and landslides in the past few days.
Meanwhile, dry weather is likely to prevail in Uttarakhand and its adjoining areas over the next three days, predicted the India Meteorological Department (IMD) on Tuesday. In a tweet, the weather agency said, "Significant reduction in rainfall activity likely over Uttarakhand from today, October 19, 2021."