This Article is From Jun 11, 2014

Narendra Modi Speaks on President's Motion of Thanks in Parliament: Highlights

Prime Minister Narendra Modi responded to the debate on government's agenda in Lok Sabha. Here are the highlights of his speech:

  • Lok Sabha has high parliamentary standards
  • Please forgive me if I make any mistake today
  • I heard many replies during the debate on President's Motion of Thanks
  • I assure the House that we will not let up in implementing the roadmap presented by the President
  • For us, the President's speech is not a ritual. There is sanctity to everything said in his speech
  • We are protectors of people's hope.
  • Various issues were raised today but all of them had a hope in them. I take this as good sign.
  • The President praised this year's election.
  • I congratulate the people of India for choosing a stable govt after a long time.
  • We have high democratic values. Even the smallest person in the country has faith in our democracy. Have we ever presented this to the world?
  • Have we ever presented the capabilities of our country and countrymen to the world?
  • Who has the right over the government? Is the government for the rich and select few?
  • Government should be for the poor.
  • Rich people can afford to send their children to good school, afford good medical care.
  • The poor only have government schools and hospitals.
  • Government's work should be to listen to the poor, to work for the poor and live for them. 
  • There was word used in President's address, 'Rurban' - Where the facilities are urban but the essence is rural
  • There may not be good teachers or school in the villages but technology enables us to teach children in villages through satellite.
  • We should concentrate on agro-based industries.
  • Sikkim is a small state but it has taken an important step. Soon, it will become the first in India to be a fully organic state. All produces in Sikkim will be organic.
  • We have many agricultural universities, and a lot of research is being done. But the sad thing is, what is there is the lab is not there on the land.
  • We have promised to bring down inflation, we are committed to fulfill this promise. Not because this is our poll promise, but because this is our thought.
  • It is not acceptable to us that a poor man's child has to go to bed crying of hunger.
  • Have to make women partners in our journey of development.
  • Playing with dignity of women does not suit us.
  • Women's respect should be a priority for all Indians.
  • Over 65% of population is young. We need to concentrate on skill development.
  • China is growing old, we are growing young.
  • India's identity in the world right now is 'Scam India' we need to change it to 'Skilled India'
  • One needs capability and talent to progress, only a certificate is not enough.
  • The entire world needs workforce today. Can't we export teachers and doctors?
  • A businessmen will bring back dollars, a teacher will bring back an entire generation. 
  • When I was young, there was a Muslim man who repaired cycles. Today, this his third generation does the same. Why is their condition such today? We need to work for all parts of the society. If one part of the society is weak, the society as a whole can never be strong.
  • Gandhi ji made freedom movement, a people's movement. We need to make development a people's movement.
  • When a teacher teaches, she should feel that she teaches for the country.
  • There is no dearth of patriotism in the country. If the entire country can cheer for our cricket team, can't they cheer for the entire country.
  • I was born after Independence. I did not get a chance to die for the country but I have got a chance to live for the country.
  • Mulayam Singh ji said that he has run a government and hence he is asking how am I going to fulfill all the promises.
  • I say, let us try. We will figure out a way and if there is problem, senior leaders like him are always there to guide us.
  • There was a lot of discussion on Mahabharata.
  • Duryodhana was once asked he if he knows what is truth and dharma, he said he knows what is truth and dharma but it is not in his DNA to follow it.
  • The age of Mahabharata is gone, Kauravas are gone, Pandavas are gone but even today everyone wishes for a Pandava victory and not Kaurava victory.
  • In victory one learns humility. We will take everyone along

Prime Minister responds to the debate on government's agenda in Rajya Sabha. Here are the highlights of his speech:

  • Many suggestions and opinions have come across in this debate.
  • Will try to use all the suggestions constructively in the coming days. I thank people for good suggestions.
  • There was an environment of helplessness but the country has decided to move forward with hope.
  • People have voted for a stable government.
  • The decision by people is not an ordinary decision.
  • Should make habit of speaking with pride in front of others, should hold our head high.
  • Should present our capabilities to the world.
  • Victory and defeat both have the potential to teach. 
  • One who does not learn from victory sows seeds of defeat. One who does not learn from defeat sows seeds of destruction.
  • If India needs to progress, the states need to progress.
  • In Gujarat, we always said "Desh ke liye Gujarat ka vikaas (Development of Gujarat for development of India)"
  • I have experienced how requests of the state have not be approved for personal reasons.
  • I believe in co-operative federalism. We need to work with the states.
  • The President spoke of Team India.
  • Centre plus state government is Team India. Team of PM and cabinet is not enough.
  • Can't impose thoughts of the Centre on the states.
  • Development should touch everyone. Development should benefit everyone.
  • Development should include everyone. Development should be everywhere.
  • This country is diverse. We are country which has the same pizza everywhere. We are country where we eat idlis in the South and it becomes paratha by the time we reach North.
  • We need to work on national integration.
  • The coastal regions of the country need to talk to each other. Should facilitate discussions between them, so that they share their achievements and their problems. Need to connect them. We need to hold discussions with them on their development.
  • Need issue-centric focus activity. 
  • Difficulties faced by wheat farmers is different from issues faced by rice farmers. Need to deal and talk with them separately.
  • Good governance means accountability.
  • A perfectly healthy man can be faced with lot problems once he gets diabetes. Bad governance is worse than diabetes.
  • Will we politicise murder, rapes and killings? We need to rise above this. Need to think of a solution together.
  • State must be policy-driven. If a state is policy-driven, scope for corruption is reduced a lot.
  • Technology can help us lessen and curb corruption.
  • Whether we like it or not, there is blot on Parliament Houses. People say that criminals go to Parliament.
  • Request the Supreme Court to expedite cases against such MPs.
  • We can then implement this in the Assemblies and then the municipal corporation. In this manner we can rid politics of criminalisation.
  • If we have your support we can make India better.  Think of the country for the first four years, the last year is enough for politics. Duty of all MPs to work for the country.