This Article is From May 27, 2014

Narendra Modi's First Day as Prime Minister


May 27, 2014 23:29 (IST)
Today was Prime Minister Narendra Modi's first day in office. PM Modi held the first Cabinet meeting of his new government where the issue of bringing back the black money was discussed.

Earlier in the day Mr Modi met with leaders from other South Asian nations all of whom had been present at his swearing in yesterday. Bhutan's Prime Minister Tshering Tobgay told NDTV "the swearing in was like a mini SAARC summit".

In a 50-minute meeting with his Pakistani counterpart, Nawaz Sharif, Mr Modi reportedly stressed that Pakistan must abide by its commitment to control terrorism from its soil against India and also raised the slow pace of trial in the 26/11 Mumbai attacks.

And the Government was also involved in its share of controversy.

Hours after he raised a huge political storm by seeking a debate on the future of Article 370, union minister of state in the Prime Minister's Office and the department of personnel and training (DoPT) Jitendra Singh embarked on damage-limitation exercise, arguing that he had been "misquoted," and that the entire controversy was "baseless."

Meanwhile, Congress leader Ajay Maken has touched off a political storm with a series of tweets deriding the new Narendra Modi cabinet. In one of them, he questioned the educational qualifications of Smriti Irani, who has taken over as Human Resource Development Minister.

So as the debates continue and the new government's every move is keenly scrutinized -  over 100 days and 2800 posts later, it is a wrap on this blog from the election team.  

Here is a look at Team Modi - our best wishes to them...

May 27, 2014 23:28 (IST)

May 27, 2014 23:05 (IST)

May 27, 2014 21:12 (IST)
Jammu and Kashmir Chief Minister Omar Abdullah speaks to NDTV on Narendra Modi-Nawaz Sharif meeting:

  • It is significant that Kashmir didn't find mention in Pak PM's statement after he met Narendra Modi. We are happier with that.
  • Extremely significant that Pakistan PM didn't meet Hurriyat leaders
  • Nawaz Sharif has been sensitive than any other Pakistan leaders
  • Clearly, we are now looking towards Narendra Modi's government to carry that process further
  • Union minister Jitendra Singh's statement on Article 370 irresponsible
  • Clarification from Jitendra Singh on his remark not enough
May 27, 2014 19:37 (IST)

May 27, 2014 19:33 (IST)
Modi Government's First Cabinet Meeting

  • Special Investigation team on black money constituted
  • SIT on black money headed by a former Supreme Court judge Justice MB Shah
  • Director Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) , Reserve Bank of India's (RBI) Deputy Governor, Union Revenue Secretary, Director of the Enforcement Directorate, Chief of Central Board of Direct Taxes (CBDT) to be part of the SIT.

The Supreme Court had directed the Government to set up a SIT headed by  former Supreme Court judge MB Shah and assisted by another former Supreme Court judge Arijit Pasayat. This SIT was to be set by May 22.  The UPA Government didn't issue notification and last week asked court to extend the time by a week, which was accepted by the Court.

May 27, 2014 19:26 (IST)
Prime Minister Narendra Modi Takes Charge, Back-to-Back Meetings on Day One
Prime Minister Narendra Modi left Gujarat Bhawan early on Tuesday morning for his South Block office, where he laid rose petals and bowed before a photograph of Mahatma Gandhi. He then sat at his table and signed papers.
May 27, 2014 17:30 (IST)

May 27, 2014 17:28 (IST)

May 27, 2014 17:19 (IST)

May 27, 2014 16:56 (IST)
Pakistan PM Nawaz Sharif:

  • Very pleased to be in New Delhi at the invitation of Mr Modi
  • Yesterday, I attended his oath-taking ceremony
  • Had a good, constructive meeting with Mr Modi... it was held in a cordial atmosphere
  • Both are at the beginning of our tenure with a clear mandate
  • I told him that I intend to pick up the threads from the 1999 meeting with PM Vajpayee
  • Together we should rid the region of instability
  • Accusations and counter-accusations will not be productive
  • Want people to overcome the legacy of mistrust and misgivings
  • Need more people-to-people exchanges
  • We agreed that the two Foreign Secretaries should meet

May 27, 2014 16:40 (IST)

May 27, 2014 16:38 (IST)
What is Keeping PM Narendra Modi Busy on Day One
Narendra Modi's first day as Prime Minister was packed with a series of top level meetings, including those with South Asian leaders who came for his swearing-in ceremony. He will also meet his 45-member team of ministers today for the first time.
May 27, 2014 16:00 (IST)
Foreign Secretary on PM Modi's meeting with SAARC leaders:

  • PM Narendra Modi today had good and substantive meetings with all 8 leaders who are visiting India
  • All SAARC leaders invited the PM to visit. He accepted. The dates have to be worked out.
  • Good to see that all eight leaders graciously came and joined us. PM said their presence enriched our celebration
  • In meeting with Karzai, PM Modi thanked Afghan National Secuirty Forces for the help during the attack on the Indian consulate in Herat
  • PM Modi recalled the unique relationship India shared with Mauritius during his meeting with PM Ramgoolam
  • With his meeting with PM Koirala, PM Modi noted that Nepal was a deeply valued, old friend with whom India shared history, geography
  • During meeting with Lankan President Mahinda Rajapaksa, PM urged him to expedite process of reconciliation which meets the aspirations of the Tamil population... There was an invitation to visit (Sri Lanka), all leaders invited, invites accepted... PM Modi, President Rajapaksa agreed to address the issue of fishermen on both the sides
  • In meeting with Pakistan PM Nawaz Sharif, PM Narendra Modi underlined our concerns relating to terrorism... PM Modi conveyed to PM Nawaz Sharif that Pakistan must ensure speedy trial in 26/11 Mumbai attack case... PM underlined that Pakistan must abide by its commitment to prevent its territory from being used for terror

Q&A with journalists PM Modi's meeting with Nawaz Sharif:

  • Foreign Secretaries will meet and then we will see how best to take this forward
  • I can't share a record of discussions... Many things have been discussed - they spoke on terrorism. Don't want to say more than that
  • The Foreign Secretaries are going to be in touch to see the best way forward
  • There was a discussion on trade and we noticed that we were ready to normalise trade and market relations and both PMs expressed the desire to do this as early as possible
  • See, we want peaceful and friendly relations with Pakistan. However, for such relations, it is important that terror and violence is brought to an end
May 27, 2014 15:13 (IST)
Ex-Pakistan Foreign Minister Hina Rabbani Khar to NDTV:

  • "In South Asia, personality and peronal relationships have a bigger role to play... Modi's warm welcome has put an end to negative voices from here"
  • "Modi has a thumping majority, Nawaz Sharif a simple majority... there is a real chance here to resolve core issues and for that it's important to build an atmosphere"
  • "Trade is the way forward... when we invest in each other's countries, its strengthening peace... peace should be irreversible and peace talks should not be derailed by a single incident"
  • "It's important that we do not get bogged down by war mongerers... there is  no challenge for the two leaders... if they chose to show leadership, problems can be resolved"
May 27, 2014 15:01 (IST)

May 27, 2014 15:00 (IST)

May 27, 2014 14:57 (IST)
Full-Time Defence Minister To Be Named in a 'Couple of Weeks': Arun Jaitley
Finance Minister Arun Jaitley, who has been handed additional charge of the important Defence portfolio in the Narendra Modi government, said on Tuesday that he expects a full-time Defence Minister to be named in a "couple of weeks."
May 27, 2014 14:48 (IST)

May 27, 2014 14:31 (IST)
